Our Safety Precautions

Updated August 2, 2021
Rest assured that all preventive measures are actively being taken to ensure your safety at Massage Therapy Center Palo Alto.
Anyone with current symptoms or recent exposure to a person with diagnosed Covid-19 should please stay home. Masks are required for all clients and staff. When clients enter the Center, we ask that they use hand sanitizer that is provided in the lobby, and when leaving their session, or after using the bathroom, disinfect hands again with sanitizer provided in those locations.
All therapy rooms, as well as the lobby and reception area, are equipped with high quality, medical-grade HEPA Air Purifiers that remove particles down to .01 microns in size, which includes coronavirus. All duct work in our Center has been professionally cleaned. Plastic sneeze guards are installed at the front counter.
All staff members thoroughly wash their hands and use hand sanitizer before and after each session. Both client and therapist will use hand sanitizer before exiting the massage room. After each session, therapists will sanitize everything in the massage room that has been touched. This includes the massage tables and face rest, doors and handles, oil bottles, etc. After every session, massage tables and face cradles will be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide before being covered with clean sanitized linen.
We regularly disinfect all common areas with hydrogen peroxide, including counters and frequently touched fixtures such as front door handle, hallway door, and bathrooms. Staff will wipe down the restroom including toilet handle, seat, faucet fixtures, counter, light switch, and door handle. Our facilities are cleaned every night using virucidal disinfectant in all areas including doors and counters.
All staff have been trained about Covid-19 self-screening as well as appropriate sanitizing protocols, according to Santa Clara County Dept. of Public Health mandates. If exhibiting any Covid-19 symptoms, or if a household member is, or if they or a household member has been exposed to someone with confirmed Covid-19, even if they have no symptoms, staff will not come to work.